
UF Startup

Novartis Buys Kate Therapeutics, Eyeing $55B CGT Market Opportunity by 2030

UF Startup Kate Therapeutics, a gene therapy specialist, is being acquired by Novartis in a deal worth up to $1.1 billion. This acquisition aligns with Novartis’s efforts to deliver treatments for neuromuscular disorders and fits into the pharma’s strategy to expand its new modality pipeline, ensuring long-term business sustainability.

Soilcea Modified Sweet Orange Receives Favorable Decision

UF Startup Soilcea’s modified sweet orange, which reportedly has resistance to HLB, has been determined by the U.S. Department of Agriculture Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (USDA APHIS) to be neither a plant pest nor a plant that requires regulation under 7 CFR part 340.

RTI Surgical Completes Acquisition of Collagen Solutions

UF Startup RTI Surgical, a leading CDMO pushing the boundaries of innovation and tissue engineering to meet patient needs in regenerative medicine, announced it has successfully completed the acquisition of Collagen Solutions, a premier global supplier of engineered medical-grade collagen and xenograft tissue.